ive talked to her a lot since then and she said to me ';i loved u a lot, and i still have feelings for you, but we ended really badly, but i want to be really good friends with you'; and i asked her why she went back to her ex boyfriend if they had such a miserable relationship and she was like ';he was the first one i loved and we have this connection i cant explain. me and u had a great connection, but our relationship ran its course.'; so i started to become a friend to her. but then she came home for vacatoin, and we hung out and things were great, but she was trieing so hard to be friends, but i know she had feelings for me still, but she wont accept it cause she doesnt think me and her would ever work again. she also saw her ex boyfriend, and they also had a good time. we recently got in an argument about it and she asked me ';why cant we just be best friends?'; and i told her it was cause my feelings were way mroe than that, and then i told her that i cant deal with this hurt anymore and i told her im not gonna talk to her for a long time. so i decided im not going to contact her for a month and since she is going back to school soon, her ex boyfriend shouldnt be too much of a threat to me since he wont see her in person for a while. but i need to know how to get her back before summer. i cant tell u how much me and her have been through together and how much i love her, she is everything to me and we had such a great relationship the first time. i know what we did wrong the second time and i know we can avoid those mistakes, but she wont take it, cause she has feelings for me and her ex. i jsut want her to see that im the better guy, and that she can have a great connection with me. she even has told her ex that she wishes he was like me, and that she wishes she had loved me first. but she still has hope for him, and still hopes he can be a good boyfriend. but i know that shell be unhappy. and ive told her all this, so dont suggest to me that i should tell her. ive also told her exactly how i feel, so dont suggest that either please.
i know she wont go back with me cause she thinks that it wont work and that our relationship has run its course. what i want to hear back from you guys is. how do i make her see me as what i used to be to her? how do i get her back from this guy? she has admitted to me that she wishes i was the first person she loved and that she had built the strong connection with me. so obviously she still has a lot of feelings for me. but how do i make her believe that we can work out like we used to? should i establish a friendship with her again first? how should i act with her? if there are any professional dating advice people out there. if they could answer this one for me, it would be very helpful and id appreciate it so much.
but please dont tell me to give up and move on, ive loved her for so long, its been a year now since ive loved her, and i know she still loves me in some ways too.
any advice from anyone is very much appreciatedHelp with getting back ex girlfriend?
Dude I didn't even read your explanation because I know all it says is whine whine whine I cant get the sand out of my vagina.
Never look back go forward
if you did get back with her she would castrate you.
pain makes you stronger makes you a man.
so man up and grab your nuts
and put them in the next hot chicks mouth.Help with getting back ex girlfriend?
dude you need to chill and stop dating for a little, just go with one night stands if your looking for sex
(*i didn't read the whole thing*)
I'd hate to tell you to move on, but MOVE ON. It sucks when you're in a relationship with someone and you love the other person more than she likes you.
I was in your shoes once.It's doomed friend. . Almost the same. You know the answer. You can't be with her. Even if you were with her you will constantly be reminded that she left you for the ex. It will be in the back of your head scratching away. Trust me i know. There is no answer no right no wrong.
What will happen is this you will constantly think ';what if we had it like it once was';.
Unfortunately you can't go back to the good old days. Her ex will always be her first love, you just got caught up in the cross fire. You were not her Savior you think you were she was your downfall. No one can offer you advice.
but i can tell you what i did. I found nirvana in loose women and whiskey. That kinda of love has no happy ending. Believe me
Listen, you're not gonna like this answer but im going to say it anyway, let it go. I think you already know what the answer is but you're afraid to admit it. Trust me if you keep ';intruding'; in her relationship its just gonna make it worse and she wont like you even more....tough love i know
u sound like Jacob from twilight!!! omg, sorry, try being friends and if its fate then every thing will work out, if u really love her dont make her feel bad and guilty because if she loves u and him then she feels that way already.
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