Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How can I get my ex boyfriend back?

Is it possible to get your ex back if they are still engaging with you, but it still seems hopeless? How can I get him back? The ending was very complicated as his dad become very ill. I think he just gave up on us so he had one less thing to deal with. What can I do to get this person back? Is it possible? We talked about marriage and a family, a new home, all of it.

What do I do?How can I get my ex boyfriend back?
hmmm... i guess it would mostly depend on how he is engaging with you. does it seem like he still thinks of you as someone really special, or just a regular friend?

i found an article on ways to tell if your ex still feels ';that way'; about you. i'll link you to it below

good luck hunHow can I get my ex boyfriend back?
Hi Mookie!

In most cases it is possible to get an ex boyfriend back. (Although not always, of course every situation is different). You have to decide on a good plan to achieve this, and then follow it through.

For instance: Maybe you call him on his phone a lot. This is a natural urge for woman after a breakup, but it's not helping if you want to get him back.

Maybe you tell him that you miss him a lot. Also very understandable, AND counter-productive.

So you see - Your natural urges are not always the best to follow if you try to get a guy back.
It's very possible to get him back, but only if he is a willing participant. Many men and women talk about marriage and family, but not all act on their desires, so just because you both talked about it means just what it is, talk. Don't get your hopes up, nor give up, keep things simple and light, as he may have became a bit overwhelmed with the notion of such a huge commitment? Take things one day at a time, and things are going to happen as they happen.
First of all, there are no hopeless situations... the reality is that couples get back together every day and so can you (if that's what you really want.)

That being said, it sounds like you're very anxious to save this relationship. Unfortunately, that anxiousness can work against you... it can cause you to behave in ways that are out of character for you and you'll run the risk of pushing him farther away.

The more you push to get back together, the more likely he will put up an emotional wall. It's human nature to resist when someone is pushing.

Give the relationship a break for a while. Show him that you're not chasing after him anymore. Guys tend to want what they can't have. If you make yourself too available he will may take you for granted.

Taking a break will allow him some time to miss you. How can he miss you if you're always available?

After a while you can contact him again and ask if he'd like to get together and do something fun. No pressure, just a casual date doing something you both enjoy. During this time out together, don't talk about the relationship or anything serious.

The idea is to reconnect with that original energy that attracted the two of you together in the first place.

Hope this helps... good luck!
Heck yes, you can get them back !!! But first of all, you need to realize one very important thing. Your relationship with him didn't get that way overnight. With that being said, you have a bit of work to do. Number 1, accept the fact that he doesn't want to be with you, but know that he will.

Number 2, start living your life ! Get reconnected with your friends, family, pick up a new hobby. Number 3, agree with his reasons for leaving with you, sound sincere when you do. After all, we all like to be told we're right about our feelings.

You can have him back my Christmas time, if you're simply willing to do the work to get him back. There's a site I've come across, that's helped me get my ex girlfriend back. I think it will help you too, check it out here http://howtomakeupwithyourloverbychristmas.blogspot.com/
If he gave up on you then he lost his faith and trust in you. You have to be the hope and excitement in his life - the one thing he can count on to feel good.

Look back at your relationship and figiure out where you let him down. Come back to him with a new approach and you will gain a second chance.
I think you have a good chance of getting back together. It sounds like he didn't leave because of you...he was just too stressed at the time to handle too many things. If he is still talking with you, that is a good sign. Just show him that he needs you back without seeming pushy.
I think it is probably very likely you can get back. After you have taken time to yourself to take of yourself set up a meeting with him and talk things out. If he loved you once he can love you again.
Get on with your life without him. If it was meant to be it can always happen later in life.
ok the way to do it just pretend that he means nutin to ya and he will want ya back

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