Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How do i get my ex back when he wants nothing to do with me?

We dated for 6 months. He wont reply to any of my text messages or phone calls. All he has to say is bad things about me. I need him back. Help! What should i do to win him back?How do i get my ex back when he wants nothing to do with me?

Winning back an ex is a very difficult thing to do. It is a lot easier to generate feelings in someone, than it is to change their feelings. But if you do the right things, and more importantly don't do the wrong things, your chances increase dramatically.

if you desire to get your ex back check these 3 recommended steps:

1.one of the most important things is to get your head straight. You need to get rid of the negative thoughts. You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself. You have to be willing to be strong.

Don't let your emotion and especially depression keep you down. You can't achieve a goal, if you can't keep your emotions in check and your mind clear. Negative thoughts are destructive behavior and you don't want them..

2.Don't annoy your ex boyfriend. Men just don't like it when girls become obsessive about them. Especially ex boyfriends. You may want to feel better by hearing his voice or seeing his face, but if you really want him back, you must back off for a while. Don't continuously him, [spin]text message him, email him, or go to his place or where he hangs out just to see him. It's very important give him time to realize he may have made a mistake. He may begin to actually miss you and want you back. If you blow it, you may have a tougher time getting your ex boyfriend back.

3.Become an object of desire. If you can, it will be great to get some new makeup. You will also want to get some new clothes and a new hairstyle. If you've picked up a few pounds, start doing some exercises and try to eat healthy foods. When you look good on the outside, you're going to start feeling better about yourself on the inside. By feeling good on the inside you will be confident and happy. When you're confident and happy, you will project this image to others. You will become an object of desire to men, this includes your ex boyfriend.

You can find other great tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back in this useful article:

http://www.squidoo.com/How-To-Get-Your-E鈥?/a>How do i get my ex back when he wants nothing to do with me?
Getting back with your ex is all about playing your cards right. So many people simply try and do anything they can to get them back, but that actually just ends up pushing them farther away!

There's a really helpful newsletter you can join here: http://www.makingupmethods.com

The guy who runs that was in your position once, but got out of it and now helps people do the same. His first email will actually be one of the best you'll ever receieve (it helped me a LOT).

Hope this helps?
If you're really serious about wanting him back then there are a few strategies that you could try. The first one would be to distance yourself from him so that he actually has time to miss you. Don't overwhelm him with calls and texts and emails. This is the worse thing that you could do.
Don't, it is over, leave him and move on. Seems to me your young, you need to find yourself. Seems like you need him to love you, which is low self worth, needy person. You want a person to love you for who you are, you don't want some who loves you because you need to be loved. Love your self.
A lot of people believe that there are ways for getting your ex back!

There are some things you can do or not do that will increase your chances of getting back your ex.

Here is a great website on how to get your ex back: http://www.exbackguides.com/
Why are you insisting yourself to him? As what you've said, he tells bad things about you...please use your head and not your heart!!!

I know that you're still single, try to date with someone who will respect you as a woman and will accept you as what you are...
Why would you want a guy back after this ordeal?

Ask yourself if you deserve the cold shoulder.

No one deserves to be treated the way you're being treated.

you don't ';NEED'; him back.

Know your worth and don't text him/call him.
um dont be clingy? a guy hates having a clingy ex girlfriend, if he wants nothing to do with you then you should move on honey, find someone that actaully wants to be with you
First of all, you don't need him. You want him. You don't want to see him with anyone else but you. You don't need him. Move on. Get over him. Start dating someone else. Leave him alone.
Just tell yourself he's not worth it and move on. There's nothing you can do about it and there are a lot of other guys out there.
You can get someone back if they don't want to be with you.Just move on and respect his decision about not wanting to be with you or do anything with you.Just move on.**
honey why do u want that gerk back??? there are plenty of decent guys out there, don't push for someone that won't treat you right grab a guy that will love you for you!!!
You don't.

mine please?

Wow you should just talk to him or you could text and let him know how you feel.
if he doesn't respond back to your calls or messages then you should move on. I know it would be hard but its the best way.
you need to realize that he doesn't want you back. If he did, he would answer your attempts of reaching out to him ... GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON!!!
This is why he left you cuz you act psychotic.
OMG dont do it its not wort it theres better guys there in the world
Find another man.
he does not want u back

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