Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to get back together with my ex?

I want to get my ex back I was real stupid I cheated on her and I am very sorry I tried flowers cards called left messages I done all I can do she still does not want anything to do with me btw I cheated with her sister anyways please do not bash me I just want to get together with my girlfriend again any ideas I am all ears.How to get back together with my ex?
Hey you really messed up imo , I cheated on my girl and was caught I bought a few crappy books from amazon which did not work I stumbled across this blog and they had good free pointers there not saying they will work but things made sense to me you might want to check site out maybe you can get back together with ex via http://howtogetbacktogetherwithyourex.comHow to get back together with my ex?
I'm going to be straight up and let you know that it will take a miracle for you to get her back. The fact that the other girl was her sister makes the situation as bad as it gets. I understand that you're deeply and probably really sorry and regret it but you messed up real bad. If a guy cheated on me with my sister, I would NEVER take him back. Making up with my sister would be the hardest thing that I'd ever have to do. I know you didn't want to read this, but trust me I'm almost positive she's on the same page I am. But good luck :(
You kinda put yourself in a situation...You really should have thought before you did that. If you even knew what it was like to be cheated on you would not have done that. That is probably the worst thing you could have done...with her sister? Man you really got yourself into a situation. If she still loves you after that she will come back and forgive you...but looking from a womans point of view she will probably not trust you again...or have a really hard time with that. It makes her question if you really did love her... and if she does get back with you...shes going to constantly wonder if you are cheating and probably bash herself and feel she isnt good enough. Also now her relationship with her sister is now sour because of that... so she didnt only loose a boyfriend but a sister. Thats rough... I just really want you to see what she is thinking right now and what shes going through. If you give her time maybe she will come around. Just expecting her to just forgive you and talk to you isnt a good assumption to make. But I give you props for having a heart and feeling bad about it and wanting to make it better...but if it works out with you two just make sure you never do it again because i have a question...would you want someone to cheat on you with your brother or best friend?. If you even have thoughts of cheating just sit down and talk with her about it.
If she doesn't want anything to do with you... then there's really nothing you can do.

Winning back your ex girlfriend is a very difficult thing to do. It is a lot easier to generate feelings in someone, than it is to change their feelings. But if you take the right steps, and more importantly don't do the wrong things, your chances increase dramatically.

Here are 3 steps that helped me to get my ex girlfriend back:

Don't Ask Your Ex Girlfriend To Get Back Together

You should never ask her to get back together. Why? Simple, because her answer will be NO!

You're only shot at getting your ex girlfriend back is to do the right things that will make her ask you to get back together. Maybe if you broke up with her, then you might be able to be the one who brings up the subject of getting back together. But if you can do it without, it would be much better.

But how do you get someone back without seeming desperate? In order to get girls attention, you have to show value without telegraphing your interest in her, while at the same time initiating interaction.

So don't ignore someone's texts and calls when they break up with you. It screams that you are so devastated by the breakup that you can't even handle talking to her. You want to respond to her, but do it in the right way. You can even initiate communication if you do it in the right way.

You have to maintain a strong frame of confidence, and show her that your happiness isn't dependent on being with her.

Don't Be Jealous

Listen to me ...SHE IS GONNA DATE SOMEONE ELSE. Let that sink in good. And not only is she gonna date someone else, it can easily be someone you know, maybe even one of your friends. Tough to swallow I know. It's ok if it bothers you, but don't let it show and don't call her out on it. Remember, you are not together anymore, and you don't have any right to tell her what to do.

If you do want to win her back, then you just have to weigh the decision.

Being Flexible Is Very Important

Do not be that stereotypical angry ex. Do not throw out their stuff or demand for them to come pick up their stuff right now. Rather be flexible, easy-going and understanding. A person who takes things easily is an attractive quality in itself. It may inspire your ex girlfriend to start communicating with you again faster then you might think.

These tips were helpful for me to get my ex girlfriend back. Anyhow, if you really serious about getting your ex girlfriend back soon as possible I will recommend to get good guide on how to get your ex back.

Check this article about the most popular book on how to get your ex back that helped thousands of people from all over the world to reconnect with their ex:


all the best

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