Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What's the best way to go about a getting ex back letter?

Please no negativity, i'm gonna write my ex a letter to try and persuade her. Any ideas how to make it the perfect letter, and for her to at least talk about giving us another chance? I have tried other routes and they have failed. so this is my last chance, i shall move on after this. Any tips or optimistically, anyone succesfully got an ex back with a letter before lol? i know i'm hopeful, but one can but try!What's the best way to go about a getting ex back letter?
Ok hmmm let's have a think about this, u havnt put why she's an ex but if i was a girl and my ex boyfriend wrote me a letter to get me back i think these are a few of the things i'd want to read/see

put a little something special in the envolope, maybe a cute tissue with a heart on it that you've drawn with a marker, or a flower u picked that wont die in the post!

U could put her favourite colour pencil in with the envolope, use sissors to scratch some of the colouring off so it's just the wood %26amp; write something like i love you on it.. or .. no wait!! Write ';i'm sorry'; on it! That would be lovely..

Spray a tiny bit of her fave aftershave that u used to wear, so she's reminded of how cosey it was when u both snuggled together %26amp; she could smell u.. mmm

Write on plain paper, it's kinda cute to see u write a bit skwiggly %26amp; not so on the lines!

Tell her how much u appreciate her, everything about her.. Her looks, her body her touch her smell.. Tell her that she's ur favourite %26amp; always will be..

(u havnt put how long u was together for so i might be going a bit over the top)

Tell her u want to give her the world.. %26amp; that she's ur world. %26amp; she's the only girl thats ever made ur heart beat so fast ( again.. i have no idea what the cheese is like between u both, but i'd love to hear all this stuff)

Tell her u miss her beautiful hair %26amp; her laugh.. Say.. I miss the way u laugh when i -- then say something u used to do alot %26amp; she laughed about*

Talk about the cuddles the days out, all the things u want to do with her!! Ahhh just say it alll!!! Be sweet. %26amp; gently.. Try %26amp; make her cry a little .. Weeken her with a few questions..

Maybe if u don't want to be so full on.. Say things like.. I just want to see u for a chat,, It's harmless. So what do u think?

Questions like that which sound too tempting to recist!!

Tell her that she's the only one that can take the pain away...

This may help, depending on what ur relationship was like! If it was a week thing then forget all of this lol.

But good luck :) If she doesnt reply then she's not worth it xxxxxWhat's the best way to go about a getting ex back letter?
A lot of people believe that there are ways for getting your ex back!

There are some things you can do or not do that will increase your chances of getting back your ex.

Here is a great website on how to get your ex back: http://www.exbackguides.com/
Yes, here is a free video which tells you how to write the letter and also a whole system that guides you end-to-end in getting ex back.


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