Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How can I get my Ex back?

What are some things I can try to get back with my Ex boyfriend? He's really mad at me and I'm thinking about giving him a lot of space to cool down because he was really good to me but I was a b*** towards him. Fellas what are some things a woman can do to get you back. Also if I give him space how long should I give him?How can I get my Ex back?
A lot of people believe that there are ways for getting your ex back!

There are some things you can do or not do that will increase your chances of getting back your ex.

Here is a great website on how to get your ex back. Check it out if you want to: http://www.exbackguides.com/How can I get my Ex back?
give him 2 months. Do not contact him. Wait for him to call you.

If he doesn't call, then he's trying to move on.
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