Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Is it possible to get my ex back?

I am moving back home and really want to start a relationship with my ex again bc i still care about her. When ever I am in town we will go see a movie or go to lunch. I cant tell if she still has feelings for me bc she seems to watch herself around me. How can I find out if she cares about me still and not ask her directly because i don't want to make it weird if she doesn't have same feelings. also her parents really like me does that help things?Is it possible to get my ex back?
You both are being shy. Go get her. If she wasn't interested she wouldn't be with you hanging around. She is probably waiting for you to make the move.Is it possible to get my ex back?
Why did you not work out in the first place? That is the key question in order to answer your question. For instance, she could be guarding herself because you hurt her in the past... or worse?

If you want to be with her and you have feelings for her then tell her! Don't worry about it maybe being weird at first. You should go after the things you want. Pursue her! And don't break her heart again!

I'm assuming you're older... so asking a friend to find out is a little lame. You could however, ask one of her best friends what she thinks - she could tell you more than anyone. But I would suggest to grow some balls and just ask. The fact that you two are still going to movies and stuff is a good sign.

Good luck!
i wouldnt propose too soon bro....just let your balls drop and ask her if she would consider getting back with you
You need to show her that you still care about her. This is the most ideal way to eventually get her back. Let her know that you still have feelings for her but don't rush things too much.
Yes it is. Check this out(no selling stuff, no ads whatsoever)


And stay tuned as new articles pop up on the subject!

And yes her parents liking you HELPS A LOT =D
Yes, it's great to have a good relationship with her parents %26amp; family.

How to find out if you can get her back? Propose.

Joy to you!
To be liked by the parents is a big plus for you. In my opinion, the best thing you can do right now is to start out as being friends, in order not to shock her or something. By being friends you can make her feel special and spend time with her.

If you want to find out if you really have the chance to get your ex back or if you're doing the right thing, check out this link http://gethimherback.blogchik.com

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