Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How can I get my ex back?

My ex and I keep breaking up and getting back together. I broke up with her a few times, and she dumped me a few times. The last time our relationship ended, she started dating someone else. He dumped her, and then her and I started dating again. She dumped me a week after, saying she just didn't really feel the same way anymore, but she still wants to be friends. I really love her and the breakup is killing me. I really want her back! What can I do?How can I get my ex back?
I'd suggest that you both take time to see why your relationship keeps ending up the way it does. Something must be wrong, either with you or your ex, or both of you.

If you want it to work you've got to make a conscious effort to see what needs to be fixed, then you can truly start with a clean slate.

Hope it works out for you!

You can find more tips and advice below ...How can I get my ex back?
I think it might be better off separated. You two have been on and off and it's probably not worth doing that anymore. Why don't you go on a couple of dates and see what happens. If you still feel that you love her, then you can go back. I think the two of you just need explore around and see if it works with someone else. If after a couple dates with other and you still feel that your ex is the one you want to be with, then you can try to get her back by explaining that she means everything to you and that even if you have to start out as friends, then start from there and work your way up.
Don't know why you broke up but you've got to give her the space she needs and RESPECT her decision to break up.

I recommend you write a short hand written letter which appologises for the breakup and says about how you're coping well with your life.

This will make her feel better AND will also make her start to wonder if you're really someone she would *really* want to spend her time with again.

I call it my ';golden letter'; technique and I've explained it in detail with the free guide you can download at http://www.makingupmethods.com

-%26gt; I run a ';get your ex back'; email newsletter which shows you the best way to get back with your ex. I've been helping couples get back together for over 10 years in my free time. I've helped hundreds so far. Many by email.
Give it up. An ex is almost 99.999% ALWAYS an ex for a good reason.

Stick a fork in it, become a man and forget the ex, and find the next.

Seriously this is the crap that people do and the same crap that ends with people unable to cope with real life. An invisible dependancy on someone that has little to no true bearing on how you live your life. You simply make it that way.
Tell her that you still love her despite of what happened. Speak it out. Women need to hear it. Don't assume that she already knows that.

Court her like how you wooed her the first time you two became boyfriend-girlfriends. Give her flowers, write love letters, call her, date her, all the romantic stuffs.
Move on w/th another person

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