Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How Do I Get My Ex Back?

I have recently just split up with my girlfriend that I had been going out with for just over 2 years, it was quite a shock as she just dumped totally out of the blue without any warning, I thought things were great between us, obviously I was wrong.

I would love to get my ex girlfriend back but not sure how to go about it, if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them.

Thanks in advance!

JamesHow Do I Get My Ex Back?
Well James I'm sorry to hear that. Break ups are never easy, especially when they're out of the blue like that. There are a couple of things that I've learned you can do to get your ex back if that's really what you want.

First of all you should let your ex calm down. Instead of desperately trying to soothe her temper, let time do the work for you. Don't contact your ex girlfriend for a couple of weeks. This will give her room to calm down and think logically instead of only emotionally. You and your ex will be able to reflect back to the events that led to the breakup and maybe even come up with solutions.

Don't let your ex girlfriend see you depressed and grubby looking, as this will show her a weak side which is unattractive. As you allow your ex to cool down, do whatever it takes to look good and feel good about yourself. i.e. get a hair cut/keep yourself groomed, go for a run, or buy yourself a new outfit. Show her you're still that confident hottie she fell for in the first place. This will not go unnoticed by your ex who might just start regretting his/her decision of breaking up with you.

To further calm down frayed nerves, write a SMS, email or a good old letter to your ex. This will allow you to express your feelings without any angry interruptions and will also allow your cooled-down ex to read your thoughts in a more controlled manner. Writing will help you bare your soul and your ex will get to know your true feelings without any emotional outbursts. Apologize if you feel that you have wronged your ex in any way.

These tips are sure to get your ex back into talking mode and once you two get talking, then it is just a matter of time before you both decide to get back into your lost relationship.

I really hope this helps.How Do I Get My Ex Back?
Although a breakup with a boyfriend or with a girlfriend can be really depressing, it does not need to mean that the relationship is over. Even if the breakup should suddenly leave you feeling confusion and loneliness, you may still feel really eager to heal the wounds and jump right back in to that relationship with your ex. If you are asking yourself ';How can I get my ex back?';, then there are some things you need to know. If you learn how to react following a break up, and you become aware of how not to strain the relationship even further, then getting ex back will be easier than ever.

No situation is impossible.... couples get back together every day and so can you. But there is definitely a right way and a VERY WRONG way to go about this.

Here is a very important thing to remember:

Women are attracted to guys that appear confident, strong and independent. Be careful not to come across as too needy or desperate... it will kill your chances of getting her back.

If your ex knows she can have you whenever she wants, you give up all your personal power. Plus she will have a tendency to take you for granted and will have no great motivation to get back together.

How do you get her back?

Ask her out to do something fun. No pressure, just a fun ';date'; doing something you guys both enjoy. During your time out, be really positive and upbeat. Don't talk about the relationship at all. End the ';date'; short and suggest that you do it again sometime.

Keep repeating this process. The idea is to allow her .to reconnect with the original positive energy that attracted her to you when you guys first met.

That's the basic idea and it works like a charm. I know... I was in your shoes a few years ago and it worked for me. I posted a link to an excellent blog that goes into more detail about this.

I hope this helps... good luck and I wish you the best!

first, you have to get rid of her new boy friend. and if you think she doesn't have a new boy friend then you need to do a reality check, cuz she does. second find the new boy friend and beat him up, then go to her house and sit out side for hours crying chicks dig that! if she comes out and tells you shes going to call the cops yell at her and run away, then come back in 30mins and try again, I call this Technic ';stalking'; . it worked for me, I got my girl back in no time at all as a matter of fact shes tied up right here.............

or you could just realize that stuff like this happens all the time and move on, sure it stings but when you think about it do you really want to be with someone that doesn't want to be with you? good luck my friend and like momma always sead there's more fish in the sea.
Surely you ultimately want to be with someone who wants to be with you just as much? Someone who feels the same about you? It's hard when things end but it's not meant to be if they don't feel the same. There is no point in pressuring someone to start over when their gut feeling told them to end it anyway? You deserve better ... move on

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