Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to get back with my Ex girlfriend?

Hi, someone told me Distance is the best way to get your Ex back because they'll miss you and stuff so I was thinking of writing a letter to my Ex (we just broke up today) saying,'; I'm sorry for such.. such I hope we can still be friends but for the time being I think distance from each other would be good '; but more detail and stuff and I was wondering what else can I add to it?How to get back with my Ex girlfriend?
You need to be distant and NO letter man. Not really going to achieve much but it wouldn't hurt really just I don't think you will gain much by the letter.

Make her see you happy at all times and when I mean you need to be distant.. I mean like casual friends just not too casual ya know? So make it a point that you want to be friends and agree with the break up is your first step.

I wrote a article on my blog about how to get your ex gf back check it out

Hope this helpsHow to get back with my Ex girlfriend?
If you are wondering how you can get back with your ex girlfriend, the first thing that you need to understand is that this is a very delicate situation. Your feelings may be hurt, and her feelings may also be hurt - And it is important that you are careful about what you're doing accordingly, otherwise feelings may be hurt even worse.

Here are the considerations that you need to make when it comes to figuring out how to get back with your ex girlfriend.

# First and foremost, what was it that you did in order to cause the break up? Girls do not break up with guys completely out of the blue, so there is probably a really good reason behind the action even if you are not immediately aware of what it is. The first step in this process has to be to figure out what went wrong, whether or not it could have been prevented, and how can you can fix it now that you know what it is.

# If the break up with your ex girlfriend was entirely your fault, then the first thing that you need to do to help rekindle things is to let your ex girlfriend know that you recognize what happened, you recognize that it was your fault, and that you are sorry for your actions and the unintended consequences.
Space isn't the best thing. I recently broke up with my boyfriend, (a bad break up), and in fact, the thing that stopped me from letting go was that he chased after me. Writing her a letter is a great idea. But tell her that you can't be without her. If you distance her, there may be a chance of her finding another guy, or maybe she'll just think that you don't like her anymore and force herself to get over you. There are many possibilites. If I may, why did you break up?
Well 1st of all why is she your ex in the 1st place.....Also distance could make her miss you yes or it could also make her get over you more easily since your not around for her to see to get over you. To be honest most people that break up are never that close of friends....it could get weird and too emotional....its better to move your separate ways and be courteous to each other when you bump into each other. If she want's you back you will know!
Playing hard to get usually works better when your trying to get someone (ie the beginning of a relationship) than when your trying to get them back. Just try doing sweet things for her to show that you care but dont be too overly creepy or invade her space too much. THe letter idea is good but just make sure she knows how you feel :) goodluck!
I think distance is definitely part of it but for only so long. I actually got back together with my ex and I owe alot of it to a girl named Mandy who writes on a website, I think the url is www.getbacktogetherwithanex.com . So I would sign up to her newsletter or just ask her through an email :)
no they'll laugh about it. or call you obsessed or whipped. show their buddies.don'tt do that.
Grow Up.
The second part its never good and almost never last move on
Just say that you need time away from her so that you can move on with your life, and that you aren't trying to say that you dislike her now, or that you don't want her in your life, but just that you think it would be the best thing for the two of you if you were to not talk for a while, or not see each other, so that you can move on from her and learn to lead a life without her in it.

That should really make her think that you are serious about moving on.

After you write this, you HAVE to not talk to her or see her for a while. Seriously. If she calls you, don't answer. This is going to be the hardest part, though. I would say, that for at LEAST 3 weeks, that you should have NO contact with her whatsoever. I say 3 weeks because any shorter than that, and she might not feel the full effect of what life is really like without you in it. You need at least three weeks, and actually, it would be best for it to be even longer than that, for her to start to really, really miss you, and she would be more likely to get back together with you the longer you don't talk to her, because the thought of you moving on with your life and dating someone else will scare her into thinking that things really and truly are over for the two of you. Plus, she'll be happier and feel more lucky to have you back in her life, the longer you wait to contact her.

Also, I would say that after the three weeks (longer if you can), let HER be the one to contact YOU. Don't call HER, because that way she will think that you definitely want her again, and you don't want her to think that. Good luck.

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