What can i do?How To Win Back Your Ex?
Good luck. If you don't succeed, save the tears.How To Win Back Your Ex?
hope it works out, if he really loved you and you left him over him wanting his cell phone to remain private, you probably hurt him a lot worse than he would have ever dreamed of doing to you.
and if he really is a bastard, forget him and find somebody who treats you however you think you deserve.
btw lady, clingy is a sign of affection and a desire to do right by you, men who really feel a connection do everything they can to make the subject of their affection happy, and involves being close a lot.
if you start talking to him again, he might be a bit erractic, we heart-broken have a tendancy to switch off from longing to raw hatred on a dime (out of pain and frustration)
as men, that's our mind-set (at least when we're NOT looking for sex)
he only wants you as a piece of meat. don't go to him, not matter how good he makes you feel.
Hullo softballer00,
I was on Identical difficulty Before~
';Ok so i went out with this guy for a few month and before we did we fought and stuff but once together we didnt. he said i was is first love and stuff. I broke up with him because i had this feeling he was cheating and using me because he would never let me see his phone and would always ask for nudy pics ( i never sent any!). He always was clingy and i knew he liked my bestfriends too! So after a few month of not being together i realized i CANT get over him. i dated other people too. But i want him back but he has a gf, and im happy hes happy but i wish he was happy with me.
What can i do?';
Try Out visiting this site ; http://doiop.com/exlovertricks
Somehow the Things there help me to answer my trouble. I Hope this helps. Take care!
I know, I understand your pain. And that you want back that guy that you loved, and yet you know hes happy and don't want to ruin it. But hes not a good guy. Guys only act like that if they're hiding something, and you even KNEW that he liked your friends. Even if he ever did break up with his girl, do you really want THAT back?? You have to remember, and recognize the reasons that you broke up with him over. Hes not a good guy, and even if he was, he was cheating on you, he showed all the classic signs. And I bet even though you didn't put it down, that he started dating this new girl right away. That's not a guy u want. Hes extra bagage that you can do without.
It will be a long hard road, but you will get through with it. No matter how many people you date, it won't go away at first. So I'd resign from dating anyone in the mean time till you really like them, because you don't want to hurt them.
It will go away after time. But please promise me that you won't date him. Only bad things will become of it.
pistols at dawn
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