Friday, August 20, 2010

Dreams of me and the ex back together? What does it mean?

This guy was my high school sweetheart and the times we had were the best but we had a very harsh break up. After we broke up he left town for a week and came back and he said he needed time to think and he said he wanted to work things out and then dated a good friend of mine which I knew was for sex. But shortly after in Nov. of 05 he wanted to hang out more and we did but out of no where he stopped callin and got a girl friend which at this time I was 18, he was 17 and she was 14. Comes to find out he got her pregnant. But I have had several dreams since I found out, where we'd end up meeting up and we dont get along in really life, but we'd talk and he'd end up some how or another kissing me or trying to get back with me...the most recent was he was with his girl and his son and told me he always loved me and wanted to start fresh.... he'd go in for a kiss and BAM I'd wake up....remind you.....I got married to the love of my life in Jan. I am not sure why I have this dream still!Dreams of me and the ex back together? What does it mean?
Here's my theory

Because you recently married, your subconscious is bringing up relevant information related to when you felt closest to the feelings you have now about being married.

No doubt when you were in love in high school, some part of you was thinking you would marry this guy. And that's where the link is. So now that your mind is on marriage, your brain says, ';Hey, I have info on that subject, let me bring up what i got in your dreams!';

And you dream about it because its relevant to your life right now since you had ';similar'; feelings for your high school sweetheart.

Treat it as a memory courtesy of your subconscious and nothing more.

I had the same thing happen to me before i got married and after being married every now and then and i know several people who had this happen too.

best wishes and congratulations on being married!Dreams of me and the ex back together? What does it mean?
that means even in your deepest thoughts, you are still into the idea of you and your ex together.
It is a warning dream-it is warning you not to be a sinner.

Lust is a sin-lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.

The punishment in Hell for the sin of Lust is to be smothered in fire and brimstone......Not kisses.

For adultery-keep in mind, a married person who commits adultery shall be stoned; an unmarried person receives 100 lashes.
You are obsessing over past events, get over it and move on.
I believe we are all the people and symbols in our dreams.

So, what does he represent to you? What aspect of yourself does he symbolize for you?

My guess is that you are currently struggling with an old, destructive pattern in your life. One that you know is bad for you and had given up, but it's tempting you again.

It may be a vice or it may be a pattern of relating to someone or a bad habit. Whatever it is, he embodies it in some way for you.

His infidelity shows that you know it's not good for you, but it's something that maybe fills a need in you to be loved. Or calms your anxiety about not feeling loved enough. (Symbolized by his declaration of undying love for you, even though you can clearly see from his pattern of behavior that it's not true. Addictions - to substances, behaviors or people are often that way.)
its human nature, you only want it because you cant have it. if he dates your friend just for sex and then impregnates a 14 y/o i wouldn't bother with him. and he probably started hanging out with you because he wasn't getting any and once he found someone stopped calling

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